Four Middle School students place in ETBOA Jr. Honor Band

The East Tennessee Band and Orchestra Association holds a Jr. Clinic Honor Band every year. Hundreds of students from East TN auditioned and CAK had four middle school students qualify based on their successful audition of scales, a prepared piece, and a sight reading piece!

Abel Wade placed in Bronze band on both Flute & Alto Saxophone
Leo Bae placed in Silver Band on Clarinet
Ellie Pitzer placed in Gold Band on Percussion
Judah Wade placed in Gold Band on Trumpet and French Horn (2nd highest trumpet score out of the entire organization)

Students spent the two-day clinic learning from renowned guest conductors and preparing a concert that they put on after only 12 total hours of rehearsals! Way to go, Warriors!
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Knoxville's premier preschool to 12th grade private, college preparatory, Christian school located in Knox County, Tennessee.